opening hours

1st May  30th September 2024

Tue – Sat 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. | Sun 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

| 1st May – 30th September 2024:
Tue, Thu & Sat 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Die Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft

The Theodor Storm Society (Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft) was founded in 1948 and is one of the largest literary societies in the world (currently 1.200 members).

Through the museum and archive, special exhibitions, events and publications, the Society wants to convey a contemporary image of the poet Theodor Storm and keep his literary work alive.

Since 1952, the Society has published the Schriften der Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft, the publication medium of international Storm research, annually. The members of the Society receive the Mitteilungen aus dem Storm-Haus once a year.

The Society also oversees the “Husumer Beiträge zur Forschung” and the prestigious “Storm-Briefwechsel”, in which Storm’s correspondence with the most important of his friends and acquaintances appears, including the correspondence with Fontane, Mörike, Keller, Heyse, Groth, Erich Schmidt, his bride Constanze Esmarch and his publishers, the Paetel brothers and George Westermann. So far 20 volumes have been published. More are on the way.

The “Editionen aus dem Storm-Haus” deal with individual novellas and special topics, which are published with annotations and additional material on their origins and effects.

In cooperation with the city of Husum, the Theodor Storm Society awards the Theodor Storm Prize of the city of Husum every four years. In addition, it awards the Storm Writer Scholarship (Storm-Schreiber-Stipendium), donated by Dr. Annemarie Hansen in 2019, which has been financed by the “Hof Angelbur – Dr. Annemarie Hansen-Stiftung” since 2021.

An annual Conference and General Meeting of members takes place once a year, usually around Storm’s birthday on September 14th – with a diverse cultural and scientific program on a specific topic. Every conference also includes an excursion within Schleswig-Holstein to destinations that are directly or indirectly related to Storm and the landscape of northern Germany.