opening hours

1st January   23th March 2025

Tue, Thu & Sat 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. 

New Year

Wen, 1st January  2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


Sat, 22th March 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Sun, 23th March 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

| 1st January  – 23th March 2025:
Tue, Thu – Sun 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Bailiff and district judge in Husum

1864 – In March Storm takes up his position as bailiff in Husum.

1865 – Death of Constanze. Cycle of poems Tiefe Schatten. Novella Von Jenseit des Meeres. Trip to Baden-Baden to see Ivan Turgenev.

1866 – Marriage to Dorothea Jensen. Relocation to the house at Wasserreihe 31.

1868 – After abolition of the office of bailiff, Storm becomes a Prussian district judge. First edition of Sämtliche Schriften is published.

1870 – Storm compiles the Hausbuch aus deutschen Dichtern seit Claudius. Eine kritische Anthologie. Friendship with the illustrator Hans Speckter.

1872Draußen im Heidedorf. Trip to Leopoldskron near Salzburg to the Austrian politician and writer Julius Schindler, who published stories under the name “Julius von der Traun”.

1874 – Appointment as chief district judge. The Novella Pole Poppenspäler is a commissioned work. It is Storm’s only story written especially for the youth.

1876 – Publication of Meine Erinnerungen an Eduard Mörike. Novella Aquis submersus.

1877 – Beginning of friendship and correspondence with Gottfried Keller and with the literature professor Erich Schmidt. Novella Carsten Curator. Storm’s novels are developing in the direction of uncompromising realism.

1878 – In the novella Renate, Storm addresses the socio-political changes of his time in the guise of historical narration (chronicle novellas).

1879 – Poem Geh nicht hinein.

1880 – Storm retires at his own request and decides to leave Husum with his family.