opening hours

1st January   23th March 2025

Tue, Thu & Sat 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. 

New Year

Wen, 1st January  2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


Sat, 22th March 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Sun, 23th March 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

| 1st January  – 23th March 2025:
Tue, Thu – Sun 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


Upon the decision of the city council, the city of Husum awards the Theodor-Storm-Preis every four years. The prize money is € 8,200.

The Theodor-Storm-Preis is intended to honor the work of a scientist, a contemporary poet or a visual artist. The prize should be awarded to those whose work enables Theodor Storm’s great achievements as an artist, as a “poetic realist”, to be particularly appreciated, better understood and updated for other circles.

The prize can be awarded in order to realize a special project that the jurors consider worthy of funding in terms of Storm research. There is also the possibility of receiving an award for an already finished project.


The author of a scientific paper on a work by Theodor Storm receives the prize for having his / her work, that was written in a foreign language and published abroad, translated and published by a publishing house in Germany. A sculptor receives the prize to complete his / her sculpture and to display this sculpture in a public space. A director receives the award for a particularly successful cinematic implementation of a Storm novella.

Funding includes:

Scientific investigations showing new aspects, printing translations of Storm’s works in other languages, cycles of poems, novellas and novels, essays, pictures, picture cycles, still pictures, busts, etc.

Any person or institution can make suggestions as to who should receive the award. A jury then decides on whom the prize will be bestowed upon. The jury consists of:

  1. The Chief of the citizens (Bürgervorsteher) of the city of Husum
  2. The Chairman of the Committee on Schools, Culture and Sports
  3. The President of the Theodor Storm Society
  4. The Secretary of the Theodor Storm Society
  5. The Mayor of the city of Husum.

Applications should be sent in to the Mayor’s office or to the Storm Society.


Theodor Storm Society: Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft · Wasserreihe 31–35 · D-25813 Husum

The Mayor of the city of Husum: Bürgermeister der Stadt Husum · Rathaus, Zingel 10 · D-25813 Husum