opening hours

1st May  30th September 2024

Tue – Sat 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. | Sun 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

| 1st May – 30th September 2024:
Tue, Thu & Sat 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Felicitas Hoppe was Storm-Schreiberin

The writer Felicitas Hoppe, born in 1960, received the Storm-Schreiber-Stipendium in 2023. She was the third holder of the scholarship, first awarded in 2019, joining Christiane Neudecker and Marion Poschmann. In September 2023, Hoppe moved into the listed three-sided farm of Dr. Annemarie Hansen in Husum-Rödemis.

Felicitas Hoppe is one of the most renowned contemporary German-language authors. In 2012, she was awarded the Georg-Büchner-Preis by the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung. “At a time when talking on one’s own behalf increasingly dominates literature, Felicitas Hoppe’s sensitive and, for all her sense of comedy, melancholic storytelling circles around the mystery of identity,” the jury said, explaining its decision.

Hoppe, who lives as a writer in Berlin and Leuk, has been publishing stories, novels, children’s books and feature articles since 1996; she also works as a translator. In 2012, the novel Hoppe was published, most recently the novel Die Nibelungen. Ein deutscher Stummfilm, Fährmann, hol über! Oder wie man auf das Johannesevangelium pfeift and Gedankenspiele über die Sehnsucht.

Hoppe travels and lectures around the world. She is a member of the Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (German Academy for Language and Poetry). In 2016, she received an honorary doctorate from Leuphana University Lüneburg. She held the Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship at the University of Kassel in 2019, received the Grand Prize of the German Literature Fund in 2020 and the Kassel Literature Prize for Grotesque Humour in 2021.


The Storm-Schreiber-Stipendium (Storm Writer Scholarship), which is endowed with 5,000 euros, was awarded for thefirst time in 2019 to a German Writer. The founder is Dr. Annemarie Hansen from Husum-Rödemis.

In addition to funding, the scholarship also includes a six-week stay in spring in a spacious 4-star apartment on a so-called Dreiseithof (three sided farm) within walking distance of the Storm landscape of the Südermarsch.

Awarding the scholarship to a contemporary author of German literature, is coupled with hope that the encounter with Storm’s landscape can become a literarily productive one.

Scholarship holders

Marion Poschmann

Storm-Schreiberin 2019

©Heike Steinweg

Christiane Neudecker

Storm-Schreiberin 2021

©Maurizio Gamberini